Sweetheart Everlasting Bouquet


A sweet bouquet packed with color and beauty.

Hand-made from flowers grown, harvested, dried and arranged right here at Walla Walla Flower Farm.

Order by February 12 for free delivery in the Walla Walla Valley on Valentine’s Day.

Enjoy the beauty of these flowers until fresh flowers are in season. Easy keepers that need no water and won’t wilt, but will break if handled roughly.

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A sweet bouquet packed with color and beauty.

Hand-made from flowers grown, harvested, dried and arranged right here at Walla Walla Flower Farm.

Order by February 12 for free delivery in the Walla Walla Valley on Valentine’s Day.

Enjoy the beauty of these flowers until fresh flowers are in season. Easy keepers that need no water and won’t wilt, but will break if handled roughly.

A sweet bouquet packed with color and beauty.

Hand-made from flowers grown, harvested, dried and arranged right here at Walla Walla Flower Farm.

Order by February 12 for free delivery in the Walla Walla Valley on Valentine’s Day.

Enjoy the beauty of these flowers until fresh flowers are in season. Easy keepers that need no water and won’t wilt, but will break if handled roughly.