It’s All About the Ducks
I’ve been hanging out with chickens for over two decades. Even living in town there were chickens in the back yard. If you have ever had chickens, you know what they do to your garden (peck every red strawberry or tomato), or clean car. Ducks, however do not cause the same sort of damage, so are perfect for a flower farm.
Knowing I wanted ducks, my daughter filled her incubator with duck eggs (and a chicken egg), and thus began our journey with ducks - and one chicken who thinks it is a duck.
The pond picture makes me laugh! We were filling the new pond and that was the birds’ first foray into the water. The chicken has not since ventured into the water. She has her limits!
See the little brown duckling on the left in the pic above? My grandkids were quite taken with it’s color they dubbed “carmely green” which turned into that ducks permanent name.
Not all of the ducks have names, in fact most don’t - including the chicken. The chicken really does deserve a name as she leaves me a beautiful green egg in the duck house most days. Help me name her by leaving your suggestions in the comments!
Another notable duck is Albie - the only flyer of the bunch. He/She (we aren’t sure) flies down to visit the chickens a couple times a day.
Albie the flyer
Ducks on an evening walk