Failures Galore

Things don’t go to plan on the farm.

Every. Single. Day.

I often post to social media pictures of the gorgeous flowers, pictures of cute animals, and cute grandkids.

You know what gets the most views on social? THE BAD STUFF.

My gopher war reel has over 7K views to cute Maizy’s 300.

So interesting, and not the first time my failures get way more attention than the pretty stuff.

Most days my clothes look ridiculous (so bad my husband laughs and takes pictures of me), my hair is messy and pulled out of my face with a headband or a hat, I say and do the wrong thing, I focus on the wrong things, I break things, I don’t drink enough water, I don’t take that extra moment to give attention…

Are you with me? Can I hear an ‘Amen’?

I guess it is nice to be reminded we aren’t alone in the mess.

Well Friends, let’s take that mess and be like this glorious ranunculus!

She is going out into the world to share her beauty, make people happy, and make whatever environment she is in better just by being there. The ever-present weeds (like the one in the upper left corner (did you even notice it?)) can just be along for the ride and in the background.


Giving myself a solid ‘F’


A sneak peek because Greta and Maizy can’t help themselves.